question about level

May I know what is the max level and max cost for monsters? Thanks

For monsters? Each monster has different max levels for their stats. The highest cost monster is 13 for an ultra-evolved legendary. 

If you meant Hero Rank the max level is 100 which gives you a max team cost of 173 and 96 tickets. 

Thanks. I hope they will increase the max level and team cost…

Thats enough for 4 ultra evo legendaaries and 12 ultra evo Super epics, or 7 ultra evo legends + 8 ultra evo Super Epics? Why would you need more?

I know a few who were hoping to fit all their legends into one lineup but reached level 100 and were disappointed.

it is not all about filling legendary. I get excited when I know I gaining next level and ticket will be refill. But after 100, no level gain and no ticket refill…

There’s honestly absolutely no reason to fill your whole line up with legends and pretty much destroys any possible need for strategy in the game. Pub stomping content is not what the devs have in mind

On the other hand, the refills are a legitimate reason. But then again, how much left of stuff do you sill have for upgrades