PvP leavers

@Dev_VKC CAN you PLEASE, do something about how the opponent can instantly leave, denying you of kills?? I just had 4 people in a row leave first turn, and it’s really annoying I have to continue to wait for tickets to recharge to get the reward unit, because other players can leave instantly, granting zero kills to me. It has happened repeatedly in the past few seasons since the switch to the new reward system


The best way to deal with it would be to add the number of remaining monsters the leaver had to the winner’s kill count.

So if the leaver has 16 monsters and leaves instantly, winner gets 16 kills.


I’ve said this from the start, they can even slightly increase the total number needed for this change to happen, because I’m up to 6 battles in a row with zero kills now. It’s so frustrating

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Skill issue :eyes:


I agree. Increase count to 40

Its my rights

Neo Constitution Article 17