Problema UC

Hi devs, why when I complete the Ultimate Challenge always freeze?

I am sorry for the issue. Could you please provide us more details?
Do you mean every time you complete a battle in Ultimate Challenge event? So there is no issue during the battle, only when it finishes?
Do you have to kill the app to restart it?
Do your event score update?


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This happened twice for me earlier I was going for the top placing but it froze after the match,I had to close the app,sadly it gave me a lossšŸ˜¢

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This sounds weird. Never heard about that before.
Did you win the battle? Do you remember what monsters were left on the battlefield?
And how you finished the enemy?

Thank you for the feedback!



Every fight is finished nothing happens just a black screen. What Iā€™m afraid of is when fighting against GK then it happens like this.

When I win there is no result ranking. What to do?

Que Sad @Anne :disappointed_relieved::sob:

Do you mind sharing your friend code here?
Or you can pm me.


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This happened to me again. Ok PM

@Dev_VKC, I have a problem again, when I fight Delugazar cp8.

When I choose friends but it canā€™t be chosen or freeze

Out of topic, but I keep seeing ā€œULā€ everywhere, what does it mean?

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Somebody asked the question and another answered. I canā€™t find it so I quote it. I think it was ā€œunited latinosā€ or something.


Unidos Latino.

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It means union latina

Ehhhh, i think Unidos Latino haha im wrong

Thatā€™s UL spam bro :joy:

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Yo, Hello Thunder :smirk:

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