Legend catching?

You know what would be awesome? A new mission in monster hunting which can only be accessed by players over lvl 100 and allows the player to catch a random legendary from the roster. It should be able to be done only once and by no means should it be easy and it would be nice if it were possible to get a legend we don’t already have. I like the idea of a guaranteed legend because some of us have a hard time getting them.


lol. that has been suggested in one way or another so many times. Devs have made it clear it’s never going to happen. like even in neo monsters 50, you are gonna have to pay for them legends. or have faith in the unfair rng that one day you will get it

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Well, to be fair, you can get some SE monsters and Noxdragon as a legend through the normal story mode. It’s not impossible that it can happens in neo monsters 2 as well.