KD's Bonus Potions and Entrance Speed guide

Where to get potions and how to use them

Potions are primarily gained from completing limited-time event content. At my time writing this it's very common to see 2 epic, super epic and legendary potions in each of the bigger events (10+ days long). Legendary potions are typically very near the end of each event and will require some time devotion as well as only being possible to get for experienced players. If you're someone who plays lots then this is where you can get an advantage over other players!

Another place potions are gained is when hatching monsters you already have from eggs. If that particular monster is between +0-8 then it will get an additional +1 automatically added. However, if the monster is +9 already you will instead be rewarded a potion. This is only going to happen to you once you’ve been playing the game a while. Also, it only happens for both epics and super epics. For legendaries and mythics at +9 you instead get a 6*/7* ticket.

To use a potion on a monster you must go to the bonus potions screen in the menu. Once there you should see a screen like this…

By clicking “use” it will use a potion on the monster selected. It will automatically select the correct potion to use. Once a monster has been potted you’ll see a number on it under “bonus”. You can see on my Malwing above it’s got +5. The button next to that will bring up the following screen…
(Note: you can only click this in the “edit team” section)

Here you can choose to customise how much of a bonus is applied to the monster’s entrance speed and seconds reduction of the moves. The entrance speed isn’t clear on this screen but don’t worry because this guide will explain that. Also, it may not be clear why you’d want to reduce the bonus applied to either of these but that will be explained in the later section “tips for using potions”.

Important note for using monsters as ingredients:
Whenever you evolve a monster which you have multiple copies of it will automatically select the one with the HIGHEST bonus. Therefore if you have 4 Galvboss with one +9 and the others +0 then don’t worry, the Galvbane you create will be +9.
If you have multiple copies of a monster and are using one as an ingredient (sacrificing it for another monster to evolve) then it automatically select the copy with a LOWEST bonus. Therefore if you have 4 Galvboss with one +9 and the others +0 but are making Wolfrozor then don’t worry, it will consume a Galvboss+0.
While creating the final forms of all the starters and Chronox you will need two copies of each starter in their 5* form. Therefore, you should make one which is +9 that you keep and one +0 that you use to evolve Chronox into a legendary.