iOS to android ever?

This may have been asked somewhere else, but is there any plans to allow migration to android at some point once the player base there has caught up a bit?

I believe so yes but it may not be for a bit. Android has just finished its first tower and has had one super challenge battle and omegamid event once

I have already transferred my ios account to my android phone.

What I understood was that he was asking about the two versions combining into the same pool of players instead of two different ones. I may have misunderstood though.

They are in the same pool. E.g. the tower events.

I don’t think so seeing as android had tower going on at the same time as iOS had the ultimate challenge battle. I was 7 and 10 in iOS and 14 in android.

I was 21, 28 and 45 on the same list. The last one was played on my android phone…

I’m currently playing on my computer ( Android account ) and on my phone (IOS), can I swap them? Like play in my phone with the android account and on my computer with the IOS account? 
I want to change them because I have a lot more things to do on my Android account right now, and I’m not always at home so it would be nice…

iOS vs android with events finishing yesterday. So I have no idea what you’re talking about Koco

It seems there is sth wrong with my android account. I just had same events on my android phone compared to my ios accounts, so you can find three Koco in the ios top 50.