how many diredemons should i receive?

Just got diredemon from the last event. according to my rank (1997, right on the edge), at the 1400-2000 area i should get X4 of him. should he be +4? or am i wrong? cuz hes not   :huh:

i’m confused  :wacko:

when you get 4 of him you get the original +3 others, so he should be at +3 

well he’s plus 0  :frowning:

also his dreamhunt doesnt seems to heal him.

where can i post about this problem?

posted in the bug forum, nvm

thanks  :smiley:

To get Diredemon 4x you have to finish in ranks 1400 and below…

Did you only recieved 1 monster? If you are really sure about your rank then i think you should contact the devs or shopsupport, if you are above the range of the UC event ofcourse you only have 1 monster

you sure its not 1400 2000?

Yes I’m absolutely positive becuase I checked the rankings right before I posted.