Four Guardian Beasts

I am back playing the game again and I have done the mission 2 time to get the electric mons but it not giving it to me. I have one fully maxed out how do I fix this?

After your first clear it’s a 60% chance. Keep trying, you’ll get one yet.

Oh they changed it

As I know, it has always been like this though. I played when we still hatched monsters from slot machine.

i suggest stay alive the guardian beast. after that, let him kill 4 or 5 monster on your team, before you kill him
and maybe 80% you get those guardian beast … that my technique idk the others

In no rush

I actually liked that slot machine better. It seemed like there was some skill involved even though there probably wasn’t.

I like this system better because the other one felt like it was trolling you every time you barely missed.

Well I liked the slot machine bc I had it timed for a while that why I have so many legendary from back then