Count Lectar

Yo, anyone else find this shadow arena super easy? Completed first time all three, which shouldn’t happen. Not even for one fruit…

i havent figured out the last 2 the first one was easy

First 2 was realy easy compare to last times. The 3rd i havnt figured out

The third is easy. Restart until drakozord purifying mists rather than protects. Then dual poison touch penguinator and charge megabomb. Then win.

10 restarts, always protects… bahhhh

Battle 1

Battle 2

I’ve also uploaded a video with all three battles. Imo this arena was the easiest one.

Battle 3

very easy. :slight_smile:

Mine used mist first time, time
Bombed him in the end

Easiest count lector ever, maybe devs can consider to shorten the length of this count lector(1 week i think) to 3 days