Can't find Archelo anywhere

I’ve looked on every island for him but can’t find him anywhere.

The turtle…Can be found on a small part of one of the island…alternatively…u can find him in a couple of the dungeons in story mode as well…><"

Which island though? And which story mode dungeons?

Cursed island if i am not wrong…which part exacly…not so sure…for story mode dungeons, he appear quite frequently on chapter 6 or 7 onwards…more or less all the rare monsters will start to appear in random at chapter 6 or 7…

Did you ever find him, because I’m having trouble too…??

Can somebody say now if there is a safe location for Archelo? Because i can’t find him too on the small Island next to Saban.

It is correct that you can find rare Monsters in the Story Mode Dungeons in Chapter 6 and 7.

The problem is that i saw only “evolved” Level 2 Monsters.

So maybe i can find Archeloth but not Archelo.

Or has someone found Archelo in any Online Dungeon?

Geez, this must be like the tenth thread we’ve had asking about where to find archeloth. We should seriously pin it somewhere so that everyone can see it. Or maybe just the link to the wikia, that’s where you can find the location. But in all seriousness, why do you actually want him? Grimshroom and Felimancer both have identical movesets and star values to archeloth, and I think they’re more easily accessible.

I catched both forms from that place a long time ago for two of my accounts. It is possible the devs accidentally remove them after some updates.
One exciting part of this game is collecting, so many players want to find Archelo.

That is right. I want him to fill my Monster-Dex. So you mean that there is actually no possibility to get it because it is actually removed from play?

Is it sure that it was catchable on the coast? Maybe it was in some water area?

I have had them already, so i don’t know whether they are still catchable on the coast.

This seems to be a recurring problem, hmm.

I’ll look into it.

I’m also looking for Archelo. The wikia says that its location is inaccurate since it can’t be found. I spent two hours looking at the area on Cursed Isle and can’t find it either. I just want to complete my offline Monster Index. ;(

please dont necro old threads, im sure it is there just keep looking