Biweekly help

Hi Guys

So this is the closest I’ve ever been to completing all the battles on the biweekly mission and I’m stuck on just one!
Can anyone give me any tips on defeating the very middle battle, 3rd on the second row?
It’s so frustrating!

Thanks for your help :v:

Can you send two screenshots of it?

  1. The team you have.
  2. The start of the battle (where you see enemy FL).

I did it first try so it shouldn’t be too bad to help you with if we can see which one it was :slight_smile:

That link isn’t leading me anywhere. Did you delete that Imgur post?

The legend of the missing pic continues even nowaday
When will we find our hero? Where is him?
And especially, why are pics so hard to upload? Stay tuned for episode 4 of the Imgurlegend


I don’t actually know how to post pictures on here… hardly ever use these sites :man_shrugging:t2:
Thanks for offering your help, but it’s almost done and I still can’t beat it, I’m over it haha

Bro at the lower part of your screen
"FULL VERSION" Tap on it

Then at the lower right

Then you can see the attachments feature, so choose your file/photo then add then just tap "ATTACH"
Viola! Hope it helps

@Luc,Buc etc…
Do we have a thread where newcomers will find info about attaching stuff here,it will them alot, or any Mod can make one… :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

It would be great to include how to change your profile picture too… I’m still lost on that one XD

Or just upload a profile pic lol

When it says upload new pic I just choose graviton and upload one on that instantly links with forum