削弱了队长技能,却没有说明?(Weakened the captain's skill without specifying it?)

今天早上登录游戏发现,角色的伤害变低了,然后找原因是因为队长技能被削弱了,之前+25%攻击的, 现在变成了+15%攻击,请削弱麻烦发一个公告可以吗,我觉得贵公司应该补偿我们玩家,同意的玩家请跟帖留言。
After logging into the game this morning, I found that the damage of the role was reduced, and then I looked for the reason that the captain’s skill was weakened. The previous attack of +25% has now become an attack of +15%. Could you please weaken it and send a notice?

I think your company should compensate our players, agree with the players please leave a message.