
Hi guys,

After testing Uranium I was not happy of what I really saw:

  • Killing Spree requires 3 kills to activate, does not bypass protectors and does not nullify revenges, so if you run into a goldoid gg.

  • Double Poison Eater at 170 TU is extremely slow without a GT

  • Can easily become dead weight.

  • Cost 17 with his SS, which is ridiculous

Any opinion from you guys?


I am really happy this one seems mediocre. We had a lot of power creep mythics introduced recently so its good to see one who is not immediately S+ material



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I’ll awaken him anyway, he will be buffed in future, guaranteed.


Yup forgot about that, 17 cost is just too much

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Well it’s a save 3 more extra kills as soon as that Speer move is possible … then 2 more with double poison eater. That’s 8 kills in total. In zero time. It’s time to stop complaining girls

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Decent monster that feels weak because other mythics are too powerful.


It’s definitely a weaker monster, mainly because the huge payoff move (Killing Spree) requires 3 kills before you can use it which is super hard to pull off. The 17 cost is definitely ridiculous.

I’m fine with some monsters being a bit weaker. They don’t all have to be crazy. It may also get some kind of buff later on too. The cost should definitely be decreased for a start.


Wait… 0 time what?

1st: You need 3 kills for the Spree so minimum 85+170 TU which means killing 2 opponents and 1 ally.

2nd: the spear can easily run into AP and every move wasted is heavy.

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One thing, this mythic is definitely not dead weight

He might be good for PvE
Not every mythic will be a PvP Mythic :confused:

Uranium is good pvp and pve, I dont see what the problem is as its easy to setup

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Just played with him a bit for the first time in Mythic Colosseum (~5 battles). Radioactive Fallout is definitely very strong. It kills things in 13-14 turns (<4096HP is 13, above is 14), which is a lot faster than you think and those monsters spend ~9 turns on incredibly low health. Combine that with low TU moves or just lots of skipping turns (in PvE that’s easy to abuse) and you kill them off very quickly before they get turns. It also works beautifully with Onyxia in OoO.

I think that the rest of the moveset is definitely awkward and not amazing, but the Radioactive Fallout move is incredibly powerful.

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Yeah that’s powerfull paired with crescendo

That’s a good idea too! It’s almost a shame it’s a 5-use move. I’d love it to be infinite use and 70TU. He’s probably already a menace to face because of the move but infinite use would mean you could never leave him there.

Infinite would be… Too much.

Even 5 times use is really tought.

U can get first 3 kills way too easily . Kill a teammate , double poison eater . If u have gt , then 5 more kills

Just give it a little bit of setup and u are fine to go. In zero time doesn’t mean 0 tu. It means 8 kills in short time. Only magga is faster in terms of killing 8 chars ( once he has his first turn, it’s ~ 70 tu with my setup)

Show me a monster that can kill 8 monsters with like 1 gt move in ~100 tu (assume gt after the double poison eater)… so stop complaining, and check strategies

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Especially if enemy gives u bronze shell , it’s even more gg lol