Things I Learned Today

Exactly. So i think we can say that today we’ve learned that not everything is what it seems, there’s always something behind every choice

I learn that China will soon take over the U.S…I maybe wrong :slight_smile:

The data was gathered by measuring the atmospheric sublimation (amount of atmospheric gases; N2, O2, CO2, etc, trapped in solid ice) within ice sheets of core samples taken from ancient iceburgs to extrapolate average global temperatures.

Guess what?

Since the industrial revolution Earth’s AVERAGE temperatures have been rising at a rate faster than at any time in the past million years with a strong correlation being between average atmospheric CO2 concentrations and heat trapping (green house effect)

Anthropomorphic Climate Change.

Translation: Global Warming. Our Fault.


for humanity? If this trend continues, in 75 years, life as you and I know it will not be possible on Earth.

for Earth?  Nothing really Earth will be fine :slight_smile: Being an environmentalist doesn’t mean you care about “Earth” it means you care about living on a planet that suits your individual needs.

Have fun!

Well humanity pretty much brought this onto ourselves. At least hopefully whatever species takes over earth after we all die will take better care of the earth and not make the same mistakes as humans.

wow…okay…this is too depressing. 

Steering this away from apocalyptic visions…

I learned today that the reason that pictures of mythological creatures are so bad is because people clearly are bad at taking pictures

I still liked my mars robot article thing. >.>

Today I learnt that in a Japanese myth there is a creature called Ashiaraiyashiki. It is a giant, unwashed foot that appears before you and demands to be washed. If you don’t wash it, it will rampage through your house. :smiley:

Wait he’s not retiring! Aw ok i think im done,and i saw that article/video to about him retiring

Today I learnt how to use algebra to find the base of a triangle if you only have the height and air of the triangle  but i sorta had to figure it on my own on my math test today. On a seperate note no more tests till next year yay

I remember doing algebra, i freakin hated it :frowning: it was evil just wait until you get into trigonometry god it will kill you "-__-
And isnt it air2 (written small floating above it like because its exponent) height2 = base2 or is it another one?

I think it is air2 it said on the test i find algebra easy next year my teacher keeps saying there getting us ready for the hard stuff

But i do admit math is hard unless you practice

Six Californias

Doubt it would do anything to help it but hey, who knows?

Yes this is true. We are, as a species, notoriously irresponsible.

After all, look at what we are doing right now with all the problems in the world we could be out helping to solve

I learned today that dropping a 40 pound metal suitcase onto you pinkie toe doesn’t break it, it shatters it. 

Let me tell you, I don’t ever want this to happen again. This toecast is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

Ouch bummer, i learned that books in japan are backwards

Today I learned that I like to put my butt on people… *puts butt on kitty*