The funny part is his frontline is a rare complete counter to my team lol. His first five monsters alone can easily reach my endgame because of the APs and sleep from clover but he messed it up so bad.
I hate people like this who could literally just surrender but insist on wasting my time. Next time I run into this person I’m going to BM them back since there doesn’t seem to be any consequences.
@Dev_VKC Please fix this nonsense where players can BM using un-targetable monsters. I clearly had the win but they were refusing to kill anything of mine for ages. I had to purposefully not heal for a long time until they eventually were forced to kill something and accept the loss. The first screenshot was after it had already been going on for a few hundred seconds of the battle.
What do you mean? I was killing the Yin/Yang over and over because that’s all I could do. The opponent purposefully killed my multi-target monsters at the end to construct this scenario then wasted 10-15 minutes of my time with it.
Then you do a right thing reporting his ■■■ here, but that should not end with the mechanic to have yet another restrcition (turning off when there is no monsters left).