- Design
- Moves (PvP)
- Moves (pve)
Love it for my shadow teams
This monster will release and Calamitas users will tremble. Only beef is the stun bisector, but stun isn’t as strong anymore but sheesh, bisecter barely qualifies as stun protection in most cases
Lost basically all the good things gaiawolf had.
HOL UP. this monster has frenzy. that is so garbaj lol
People will play this CW numbers will decrease then we wount see this guy ever played again.
Frenzy over death revenge really horrible
@Dev_VKC now we need the same in legandary form with the same speed to counter carmilette
I truly love the colors on this one it looks great
Idk about stun bisector tho
The moveset is just lazy
Raw stealthbreak its great 100%
Raw acelerate team ? Why Raw? Why 130tu?
Life flip self Why? Why not life flip friend ( could be problematic just kiding even purify was better
Zelous atack? Why? So many good options and they keep that thing
Its so it can kill itself by flipping and zealous attacking
Same concept as its other version
The purpose of releasing a new super epic is meant to have unique movesets, not have similar moveset to its first original
I know that buddy but they could just give it something else
Raw acelerate team at 130tu its ridiculous should be 100tu or just remove it
Shinys should have diferent moves from original not just a color change and violá! done
My concern is that raw stealthbreak won’t be strong enough. It’s the first time we’ve seen a raw version, so maybe the damage will be higher but if it’s the same as the standard stealthbreak then it will likely be too weak to one-shot properly. Being shadow element, it doesn’t do reduced damage to anything but it won’t really one-shot anything with HP boost (nor mythics without HP boost). I feel like it’s shadow specifically to counter C.W. Calamitas because it needs the extra damage to guarantee the one-shot.
Other than that, being able to build around this with hazy entrance is excellent. For a SE that’s a cool stun protection option, even if it makes it quite niche. If the damage is good, I can definitely see it being played but if not then I can’t imagine anyone picking it over Spectrefox (s).
This is not the first time we see this ability, this ability is also available in Medusa, we will only see the SE version for the first time. Since I currently use both Apollo and Medusa in Verosia, I know the difference between the two very well.but i will add this for example. Even though Apollo’s attack stat is higher than Medusa’s, raw stealthbreak does more damage. so i don’t think the new SE will have a damage problem.
Very good point! I forgot about Medusa. Thanks for showing that the damage will be very high, no problem with one-shotting
Most likely it will be disappointing, furthermore giving it frenzy instead of death revenge ??
Also why stun biscut it could have been stun absorber i wouldnt have minded even if they gave him a stun counter as our first SE to have it