🏆 Neo Monsters tier list (see first post) 🏆



We recently had updates to version 2.51 and version 2.52 which you can see here. This post will cover the movements with regards to these changes.

Mythics received a base cost increase 14 → 15 and 2nd form 11 → 12, making them much more balanced cost-wise compared to other monsters. The compromise was that their cost with secret skill turned on would not increase, except for mythics that were already +0 or +1 to have it turned on. This ultimately means a lot of them are much more efficient and worthwhile having the secret skills turned on.
These are the mythics with cost increase (15 → 16):
Lime, Na’turgoul, Risu, Vixian, Exocross, Gorgodrake, Honghua, Mechydra, Novemdomina, Sivanna, Eirlys, F.D. Maeve, Jeanne d’Arc, Harleking, Noircyon, Persephia, Deus X, Rodeknight, Unicera
Carmillette 14 → 15 cost

Here’s the usual list of notable changes that didn’t result in movements:
Selene is noticeably weaker with a couple of the moves slowed because it makes her slower to get properly started (the thing keeping her in balance already) but ultimately all this means is you can’t throw her in the FL and have her work for you, you need to put a bit more effort into giving her space to get going. She’s still a super sweeper (the best in PvE) and worthy of S+ all around.
Candy has got another random unnecessary buff, making her go from a somewhat controversial S- into a solid S- in my opinion.
Jeanne d’Arc has protect teammates sped up which is a very nice upgrade but the design is somewhat limited compared to what other mythics offer. I’m on the fence between C and D for PvP.
Kattmmander has the super unnecessary and unpopular nerf reverted but with a cost increase. Turns out I never moved Katt in the tier list so no revert is necessary.
Emeraldeus has piercing added to the SS but a TU increase of 70 → 130 as well as a cost increase so I think this honestly balances out. The damage was already brilliant from the SS so it might even be a nerf.
Ultimadragon got a very cool move upgrade but this just makes it better for new players. The damage really doesn’t matter against mildly buffed PvE and in PvP the moveset design is not good enough.
Elfin dragon keiser got a minor tweak to stop the easy move chaining but the setup is still S+ so it’s staying where it is. The E.D. SEs have been adjusted below (all were nerfed, again to make chaining the attacks harder).
Mortilys got the most broken combo potential limited, which was definitely necessary. I was going to move this up to S+ but I think S tier is now fair.
Dualdragoon got the stun halved 80s → 40s which is significant but I think it’s still a great SE. Any feedback on this would be great.
Triploid got a cost increase from 4 to 7 which was very necessary and it’s still the best and most efficient special rock in the game.


The changes below are only with respect to the changes in version 2.51 and version 2.52.

Persephia moves from B → C in general and A → B in PvP, sleep immunity was silly on this after the numerous other buffs. The only reason I didn’t have it higher than A tier is it required fairly specific other monsters to work fully, but now she’s become a much more balanced design that’s definitely strong.

Eirlys moves from F → D in general and C → B in PvP, healing every turn is kind of silly when she has hold ground, making her impossible to kill without piercing. The scapegoat combo is clearly broken, but I expect that to get removed. She’s held back by being extremely passive so when you’re losing she can easily be ignored, but if you can accelerate some sweepers she’s brilliant and there’s plenty of synergy you can pull off like Atrahasis necromancy or any pullback/backstab becoming a heal for the team. That was all true before and so I may move her back down in the future due to being a bit niche, but becoming a nightmare to kill means the opponent may be unable to remove her when they need to… which is a definite improvement.

Stellaurum moves from D → C in general, yet another buff, but still not going up in PvP because there are simply way too many strong mythics that don’t require you to do something like play all dragons. This needed low TU moves or some kind of control/support move/passive to work as a payoff. In PvE it’s pretty good and the targeting flexibility it has now definitely matters.

Rexotyrant moves from C → B in general, hardened carapace is a big upgrade but I checked the reckless timestrike damage and it’s simply not good enough to get a reliable kill in PvP so the moveset is not functional enough to see proper play without setup. That said, it’s definitely one to look out for in certain special rules because it is high speed with element massacre, no weaknesses and now is significantly tanky too.

Galvbishamon moves from C → A in general and A → S+ in PvP, piercing dual slayerbane on a high speed, HG monster going into 100TU piercing sweeping is such an easy S+ to give. This monster has suddenly become an incredible monster for PvP and should be very common (aka always on the restriction list). Galvbane has returned!

Chubpoon moves from F → D in PvP, a serious buff here and it was totally necessary. It’s now an interesting monster for stun protection, revenant seal is pretty decent. It’s still almost completely tied to a mythic and does terrible double retribution damage so I don’t think I can justify above D tier here and it’s still F for PvE.

Vineye, Moji and Musharoo got an AI change to now sacrifice themselves as a priority:
Jackolene moves from S+ → S- in general
Sageroom moves from S+ → B in general, this was just a cheesy lock monster but now is a weird tempo thing if you can get it going.
Vinegazer moves from S+ → S in general and win condition → disruption in Super Epics Veterans Utilise, you can’t easily lock down battles with this anymore. If anyone has good insight into this please let me know.

Elfin dragons:
I never properly positioned these because they got hidden buffs that I wasn’t aware of until Keiser released and then there was the chaos of it being so overpowered it was clear things would change. Let’s put them all now where they should be. I’ll now be rating them more as a group, rather than like before when the pullback was 50TU and I reckoned the best way to run them was for utilising the fire and holy sweepers and only using part of the group to enable it. Additionally, be aware the earth E.D. was terrible on release because catapult was too weak so that’s why it was still super low in the tier list. Please bear in mind for the PvE ranking I am not assuming you have Keiser but for PvP it’s mostly assumed.
E.D. Gronn moves from E → S- in general and E → S in PvP
E.D. Rod remains S- in general and S in PvP
E.D. Hvit moves from A → S in general and S- → S+ in PvP
E.D. Lilla moves from E → S- in general and F → S in PvP
E.D. Gul moves from A → S in general and A → S+ in PvP
E.D. Bla moves from F → B in general and F → A in PvP

Wooloid enters as notable for general, notable for PvP and worthy of consideration for HP boost, getting accelerate team here makes it suddenly rocket from worthless to the most efficient accelerate team in the game. Previously the best options were Shieldragon or Gaiawolf with some others coming up in specific teams like F.D. Iris. It’s great both in FL and mid-game and even comes with the extreme defence that makes it somewhat tanky with HP boost if you want to do that.