We recently had updates to version 2.49 and version 2.50 which you can see here. This post will cover the movements with regards to these changes.
Here’s the usual list of notable changes that didn’t result in movements:
Goliatherion got poison immunity, but this doesn’t really make a difference to how it plays.
Ophidiator got +100% buff rather than +50% buff but reptiles have received nothing but nerfs in the last couple of years so it’s waiting for more support before it can be viable.
Medbie got a secret skill that’s actually worthwhile and is a decent option to turn on if you have the spare cost but is nothing crazy so doesn’t change the monster a huge amount.
Dracorosa got the petal blizzard restriction reduced which is a lovely thing for PvE but it’s already S tier there.
Honghua got full defence, making her entrance do less damage but she’s much harder to kill as she sets up riptide rend. However, she’s still no genuine threat to good PvP teams and I’ve already been generous to her tier in PvE.
Christine got a nice TU reduction to her best move, oust, which is basically just to distinguish the final form better from the second form. It’s a welcome buff but her tier ratings are already generous.
Haneri got yet another buff. I’m genuinely amazed people aren’t using her because she’s a top notch stun option.
Lumimalus got a complete redesign, only shortly after release. I will cover it in the post where I add it to the tier list.
Emeraldont got the rockoid generation passive becoming a guaranteed summon (making it very like The Rockoid’s passive) and added gravity field, but I don’t think it actually changes much about the design. It was designed for a time 7 years ago and it needs a proper niche for any buff to be meaningful.
Scolopendragon now counters dragons but lost its OoO synergy with Mantisamurai so it’s basically become better for general use and hopefully will see more play (it’s very good!).
Mojinator got some interesting tweaks which ultimately change the way it plays a little in the different forms but doesn’t really change the power level or what people will want to use it for so I’m not sure if this really achieved what was intended and it definitely doesn’t change anything in the tier list.
Pontibear got link double stealthbane (not in update notes) and ascension which has made this a very intruiging option for link holy and combos. You can do jaguardian haze or sendback into hazy entrance to pull it off at high speed. Sadly link holy has almost not support, but if it becomes viable in the future this is definitely a monster to keep in mind
The changes below are only with respect to the changes in version 2.49 and version 2.50.
Fyrielle moves from F → D in PvP and second form tier 1 → 2, devolve on the first turn is a huge upgrade and makes this somewhat useless monster a one-trick pony where you basically create some dead weight for 200TU then remove Fyrielle with her own morph move unless the opponent has a protector. It’s very effective due to her double shield on entrance and double immunity but there’s enough ways to remove teammates that it really isn’t anything special and in PvE you can create dead weight easily you simply don’t need a 17-cost monster to do it at 200TU.
Candy moves from C → A in general, E → B in PvP and second form tier 3 → 1, I misunderstood this monster as only checking the battlefield teammates when in fact it checks your whole team but even so they buffed this in a crazy way with 100TU transient bash. Basically, don’t even bother with the restriction any more so you use this as a 100TU sweeper with both dreamy entrance and death revenge. It’s a stronger Runedragon and in link holy/shadow it can perform even better.
Berry moves from B → A in general, losing the attack boost is a bit controversial for PvP where dual slayerbane needs the extra damage but melancholy maul is great for PvE to charge double bloodfury and I think overall the monster is about the same for PvP.
Majorie moves from F → E in general, the return of camouflage has powered her up lots but she’s still held back so much by her design because she takes lots of building around and even then has too much chance of doing nothing useful that I think she’s simply limited to specific PvE builds.
Helioseer moves from D → B in general and E → C in PvP, the sleep TU going from 80 → 50TU is huge, because now the setup for the sweeping move is 100TU rather than 160TU. I’m definitely going to try this again and I think it’s a legitimate monster for PvE but it’s still so risky that they might have sleep protection because the other moves are terrible and the SS and sleep immunity are basically useless.
Tiamazus (s) moves from E → D in general and D → C in PvP, a huge speed increase has made this a decent true hit option for PvE as well as unlocking the Nereida combo with vile rage for a detox blast at the start of a battle. It’s unlikely to be competitive in today’s top level PvP but in lower ranks it’s a very interesting option to consider.
Prismegasus moves from D → B in general, C → S in PvP and second form tier 1 → 2, the quadruple buff here was insane, making this a huge and very worthy payoff for building a link team. It’s an incredible sweeper while being tanky stun protection and giving turn pretty rapidly. Shielding your whole team on the first turn and being able to summon up to 6 diamonoids at the back of your team super quickly is kind of crazy. I’m very hyped for this and hope it pushes link teams into the realms of being very competitive again.
Atlanachia moves from E → D in general, F → E in PvP and second form tier 1 → 2, with enough buffs this deserves to be a little higher. Negating revenges is nice and it basically has 4 passives now. It can’t be ignored and is pretty tanky, plus there is synergy with Luminalus (a strong mythic) and other death sentence monsters which make it genuinely useful, especially in PvE.
Deus X moves from E → B in PvP, a huge set of buffs have made this surprisingly good for PvP. It’s tricky to figure out so I’m not 100% on this placing, but the main thing is having 70TU switch enemy for constant disruption to the enemy team to maintain control. It’s like Aethereon’s metempsychosis but way better! Skip ban also has all the brilliant synergy it always had with various monsters that need to line up their moves correctly, as well as letting you easily keep Deus X alive with lifeflip unlimited since you can freely skip and your opponent is forced to take their turns. What it was always lacking is a proactive style of move while it charges vanquish, but switch enemy has become that.
Scorpionite moves from E → B in general and E → C in PvP and…
Luxyrion moves from E → B in general and D → C in PvP, stun assimilation is almost identical to stun counter because unless they’re far out of play and it’s a small stun they will get a turn immediately. These monsters are sadly low defence and have a pathetic moveset so they’re surprisingly less than average stun protection options but for new players these might be useful. I think they’re basically just a teaching tool for new players to learn about stun counter monsters.