Monster Ideas


I think it would be awesome to have an Arkadion that would be crystal- or mushroom-based, but that’s just me…

Golgem - Golgemios, Musharoo

They are already there

They should have the bosses look something similar to this art.

Nvm art work won’t load I’ll find the link
Got it

Monsters idea?

platypus, panda, camel, unicorn, seahorse, ostrich!!! =D (this is some base for an idea of monster ^^)

or more freaky like that…

sea snake, spider, minotaur, golem, vampire, soul, iron, horns, elf, dwarf, troll (and no more idea for the moment)

But please!!! No more reptiles and the suffix ‘knight’, they are enough!

Oh yes, Spiders would be great

In Monster Island:  Dragon  Trainer, there will be alot of reptiles and dragons :stuck_out_tongue: I still really like your ideas

Yes i’m agree with about the reptiles and dragon…

For me I really want to see a (light or ground type) panda with rainbow arms and a bamboo for weapon or battle stick (something like that) or a “capo” of Don Penguini haha ^^ (this is will be make happy my lady ;)) with min. x7 stars rank 

For the spider, don’t make the cliché of the spider with a skull head in their back… Make something not common… Like a ice spider, a winged spider, inked spider! (inked with what? ehh… Some tribal sign for example) or armoured spider (like a tank… hmm no… they already exist in one game… ehh… like ahem… oh yes!!! like a 2 legs and 6 arms with different or same weapon or claws… something freaky and cool like that)

Forgot to add no more “wyrm” and “rex” suffix… They are too much…

What about a hundred headed dragon or a monster that’s actually a robot.

There a few robots in the game, but 100 headed dragon, the heads would either have to be really tiny or only be showing a few of them

An other dragon again…? Please no, there are to much of them. =(

Drybones901: About my ideas, there are good or not? Because I don’t have an answer.

yeah we already have a seven headed dragon anyway (Dragaia) and it really does not look like there much more room for heads than that

unicorns were already announced tough and i do not think we need an iron themed arkadion as there already is the whole subsection of metal type arkadions :P. But I think the other things you have listed sound pretty great and i would really like to see them in the next game :).

I do think the starters will still make an appearance tough because well why shouldn’t they? More monster just mean more fun for everybody :wink:

Dragaia has one head >_> i think you mean Triphoon’s evo

Dragons are the best.

triphoons evo IS called dragaia >_>

No, Gigarock’s evo is called Dragaia >_>

Triphoon’s is called Hydrastorm

>_> You are right. I’m sorry some of the facebook posts did not show up for me for some reason… That actually also makes a lot more sense namewise.

Where is the pictures of the panda created??!!! =D

I really want to see it!

could be a boss battle where the heads are each a separate enemy and the body is the final boss.

or maybe a cave with 101 floor and a head fight on each floor and the body on the final one

I know we have a lot of elemental monsters already, but perhaps a set of Elemental Fairies? I don’t believe there’s a distinctly Fairy-like monster in Hunter Island yet, and Fairies are pretty cool, in my opinion. And maybe if a set is too much, maybe make it elementless, like the monster Nilo and its evolutions? There aren’t too many elementless monsters in Hunter Island. 

Okay so I know this as been suggested, but how about a pheonix arkadion thats actually a pheonix.? Maybe a risky revive(with a ~20 chance to resurrect after death or a “flame burst” revenge? You could also borrow freezenix/Dolpheonix/Emeraladeus from neomon. I just think pheonixes are to powerful to be a fairly weak arkardion

Edit- A similar idea was posted by Raptor7 already, I didn’t notice

Also, you could borrow something from micromon and have a way to get a bonus evolution of your starter arkadion after beating tiamat

If your feeling lazy, you could use the ultra-evolved versions for Neomon

Do I suggest my own monster here with artwork? The devs would need to redraw in their style though.

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