Monster Colours

Hi, Im new to the forum. I’ve been playing this game for a while and every now and again i see monsters with different colours to the original (E.g. Blue Lavaronix, Black Shadowkit). This may be a bad question but is it possible to invert the colour of youre monsters or are those special event monsters ?

There are “shiny” versions of a few monsters which are available in certain festivals. So let’s say you get a Shadowhunter during one of these times then there’s a 1/4 chance it will be a shiny one.

Shinies are treated as new monsters which sadly irritated some of the experienced players who already had the normal version potted to +5 or whatever and didn’t want to pot the shiny version simply to show it off. For this reason, I’m not sure if the Devs have been adding them into the festivals recently.


Americans… always wanting to be different. True fact, seriously :wink:

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Thanks, i was hoping we could change the colours ourselves :sweat_smile: . Sorry im not fluent in American english :laughing:

There are 2 types of countries:

  1. Countries that use the metric system

  2. Countries that have been to the moon :us:

Haha we could be jousting here all day but we’re both playing a Japanese game because they make kick arse RPGs and strategy games! Big salute to the Japs from us all :smiley:

P.S. You can stick your little flag on the moon but I’ve banedragon…

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Idk what you’re getting at with that “banedragon…”

Does anyone else know?

@Zardecil perhaps?

British people seem to be the ones for me that want to be different. Living on their Island, own currency, own traffic system, different brand names for same products, unique government systems… and now Brexit smh. Btw I live in the UK but not British.

No don’t call the fuzz. You need to be Malwing man on this!

@Exu Not sure if we’re really allowed to discuss any politics here but in terms of the traffic system and government system well I’m pretty sure all that stuff dates back as early as other countries if not further so it’s not like that was specifically chosen to be different to the rest of the world. In terms of the currency, it was rightfully deemed beneficial to keep pound sterling as our legal tender and since we were founding members of the EU we weren’t forced to change. Different brands… well that happens everywhere, not every company is international.

As for Brexit, that one was down to a public vote and to be honest the public can never be properly informed of all the different aspects of the decision. The final vote was 51.9% leave, 48.1% stay… what I’d call practically a tie. The media (BBC especially) was very careful to present both sides equally so many didn’t actually know which to vote. In fact, the Brexit vote had the biggest turnout in history but the vast majority of people who didn’t vote were the young people and since their votes were predominately to stay, it would actually have swung to overall result into stay if they had all cast their vote.

If you want to know the truth behind the call for a Brexit vote it was actually because various right-wing extremist parties were gaining support from people who wanted to leave the EU and our Prime Minister took a gamble at calling a vote for Brexit. He fully expected the country to vote to stay, hence there would be no opportunity to leave the EU again (via a vote) for another 10 years so these extremist parties would lose their new supporters and not gain seats in parliament. However, this gamble was poorly made because the country did in fact vote to leave, so the prime minister resigned straight afterwards as it had all backfired terribly. Something like 80% of the politicians didn’t want us to leave the EU but the silly nature of people being angry at how things are and “voting for change” resulted in this outcome.

P.S. Yes I’m one of those angry young people who is well-informed on economics and blames the older, racist people of the country who are too slow to adapt to the modern world where immigration is perfectly natural. It was the rise in fears of immigration that started this whole fiasco and has resulted in terrible economic losses which are set to put the country in a bad situation for the next decade or two. Oh and if we ever want to join the EU again (a huge benefit for us) we’ve got to adopt all the new changes like the Euro which we were able to opt out of previously.

Anyway that’s enough politics from me. Sorry for side-tracking! No offence meant to any Brexit voters here, we’re all welcome to our individual opinion and there were perfectly good reasons to vote that too. It wasn’t just down to immigration :slight_smile:


We had a whole thing where the south part of our county tried to do their own thing for a bit. In the end we worked everything out and everyone came to a mutual understanding. Everything will be alright, trust me :us:

I know what happened and why… Could go on about this but as you said, better not talk about politics here.

Did somebody say Brexit? (*triggered)
No but seriously at least try and keep it on topic. Although for what it’s worth considering the demographic of the leave voters I doubt there will be many of them on here, so fire away. But fire elsewhere.

Also to answer the OP you cannot change your monsters to shiny versions, they are basically separate monsters that are rarer to hatch.