KD's Legendaries/Mythics listed + stats


There are 253 legendaries and 106 mythics in total. This guide lists them all for you so you can keep track of them more easily. It also lists some info that can be easily forgotten or is helpful for discussion on the forum. You may find this guide useful to refer to at times when you’re:

  • struggling to remember a particular legendary/mythic
  • looking for which ones might combo well with another
  • wanting to browse through the legendaries/mythics which are in the game

If you want to see specific details on any monster I highly recommend you search their name into the Neo Monsters wikia where community members kindly post the movesets of each monster. However, bear in mind that any changes to monsters may not have been updated on the Wikia (I will do my best to update things here).

If you want to know a bit about what each monster has to offer your team then check out my Monster Analysis guide. That talks about what each legendary/mythic does, while this one is more of a reference list.

I will be ordering the monsters in terms of their element and then alphabetical. Mythics will be listed after legendaries. To look for specific monsters you can also use the search function within this page. Here are links to particular posts:
Post 1 - Earth legendaries/mythics
Post 2 - Fire legendaries/mythics
Post 3 - Holy legendaries/mythics
Post 4 - Shadow legendaries/mythics
Post 5 - Storm legendaries/mythics
Post 6 - Water legendaries/mythics

Secret skills
An additional bit of information I’ve included in this guide is whether or not the secret skill is “very useful” to the moveset of the monster. It’s worth noting that most SS which only increase the monster cost by +1 (to 14) are great to have. It’s typically the +2 and +3 cost SS which you need to carefully consider. Bear this in mind when you read below, most 14 cost monsters will be “Y”. I have listed secret skills as the following:

  • Y (yes) = you definitely want the secret skill for almost all situations (think 80% or more)
  • S (situational) = you will find the secret skill very good in certain situations/teams
  • N (no) = while good, it’s not useful or required in most situations… better to go with 13 cost

For mythics I have done the same but bear in mind that their base cost when awakened is 14. Secret skills make them range in cost from 15-17.

For mythics, an additional bit of information I’ve included is whether or not awakening the monster is “very useful” for completing the moveset. Some mythics have a moveset that works very well before they have been awakened and awakening them doesn’t add much. Similar to secret skills, I’ve added a column with the following:

  • Y (yes) = the monster is much better when awakened
  • S (situational) = you might consider not awakening this monster depending on how you want to use it
  • N (no) = while stronger when awakened, this monster works better as an 11 cost monster

For mythics you can look at the “Awaken” column and “Cost Y/S/N” column to find out a bit of extra information about the monster. To elaborate…
Y awaken, Y secret skill = probably needs the secret skill
Y awaken, S/N secret skill = moveset is incomplete before awakening
S awaken, Y secret skill = there are two states the monster is viable and awakening is probably just for the secret skill
S awaken, S secret skill = the monster is useful in a number of different ways
S awaken, N secret skill = parts of the moveset or the stats boost are useful from awakening
N awaken, Y secret skill = annoying, where the monster is great at 11 cost but the secret skill is brilliant
N awaken, S secret skill = the secret skill is useful for some things but the monster works well at 11 cost
N awaken, N secret skill = the monster works best at 11 cost

Monster stats
Here are the stat arrangements legendaries can have:
Full attack - 5700 atk, 3350 def
Standard attack - 5150 atk, 3950 def
Rounded - 4600 atk, 4600 def
Standard defence - 4175 atk, 5225 def
Full defence - 3725 atk, 5850 def

While on this topic, here’s how health is calculated:
Health ≈ 4600 - 11*[speed stat]
e.g. 100% speed = 3500 health

Here are the stat arrangements mythics can have:
Full attack - 6950 atk, 4100 def
Standard attack - 6250 atk, 4800 def
Rounded - 5600 atk, 5600 def
Standard defence - 5050 atk, 6350 def
Full defence - 4525 atk, 7150 def

Their health is calculated as:
Health ≈ 5600 - 13*[speed stat]
e.g. 100% speed = 4300 health

Shiny monsters with different movesets are treated as a different monster and will be listed as normal. After their name they will have “(s)” to indicate they are the shiny version.

Elements and Types table

Type \ Element Earth Fire Holy Shadow Storm Water Total
Angelic 1 12 2 2 17
Aquatic 1 1 16 18
Beast 14 3 6 9 9 41
Bird 1 3 2 3 6 4 19
Bug 6 2 2 4 1 2 17
Demon 1 3 10 2 16
Dragon 5 12 12 14 6 6 55
Humanoid 10 13 12 15 12 12 74
Phantom 2 2 15 4 1 24
Plant 16 2 18
Reptile 7 2 1 1 3 14
Robotic 4 7 4 13 4 32
Rock 7 7 2 16
Total 66 50 57 73 57 57 360

Note: Elemphox is listed twice here since it is basically two distinct monsters.

Earth legendaries

Legendary name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Cost Y/S/N
Ammityrant Ammit beast stan atk 42% 16S
Arboribratus Arbor plant stan def 46% 14S
Arbustodon Arbus plant full def 90% 15Y
Bahamuzar Baha dragon round 32% 15Y
Baphogouge Bapho beast round 61% 16S
Bazilogon Bazil rock round 52% 15Y
Blacktitan BTitan rock full atk 90% 16S
Canishogun Cani beast stan atk 95% 14S
Chimunka Chima beast stan atk 54% 15S
Cyclozar (s) Cyclo plant full atk 86% 16Y
Dracorosa Rosa plant stan atk 71% 15S
Dragaia Earth last biter rock full atk 55% 15S
Emeraldeus Emerald bird full atk 36% 14Y
Emeraldont Turt reptile stan def 31% 14Y
Eonarx Eon dragon full def 46% 16Y
Flocculasaurus Floccu reptile stan atk 48% 16S
G.F. Clover - humanoid stan def 32% 15N
G.F. Sunflower Sunflower humanoid round 49% 15S
Geisthorn Geist plant stan atk 26% 15Y
Geoceron Geoce rock stan atk 64% 15Y
Geomagnus Geo rock stan atk 56% 16S
Grovodeus Grovo plant full def 47% 16S
Hanzowolf Hanzo beast stan atk 36% 16Y
Helioseer Helio plant stan def 51% 16S
Jackolene - demon round 50% 15S
Jack-o’-scorp Jack-o plant full def 53% 16Y
Jungleflipper Jungle plant stan def 47% 14S
Lionheart Lion beast stan atk 67% 16S
Mantisamurai Mantis bug round 59% 16Y
Megaiasloth Sloth beast full def 17% 15S
Milgon Mil dragon stan def 30% 14Y
Oakthulhu Oak plant stan atk 29% 16Y
Pandamonium Panda beast full def 60% 16S
Pitayagon Pitay plant stan def 35% 13S
Pupupa Pupu bug full def 26% -
Marksmoth Earth Moth bug stan def 48% 16-
Rhinoel Rhino beast stan atk 40% 15Y
Rocolossus Roco reptile stan atk 81% 15Y
Sageroom Sage plant full def 27% 16N
Sanctistag Stag / Sancti beast round 44% 15S
Sarcrosphinx Sarcro beast round 84% 14Y
Scorpiogeist Scorpio bug full atk 80% 15Y
Strawbaba Straw plant round 15% 16Y
Terragar Terra reptile round 62% 15Y
Tezcacoatl Tezca rock round 70% 15Y
The Rockoid Rock rock round 46% 15Y
Tiamazus Tia / Tiamaz reptile full atk 38% 14S
Timberlord Timber plant stan atk 70% 14Y
Tricranium Tricra beast stan def 75% 15S
Tridrakhan (s) Shiny Tridrak dragon stan atk 62% 16Y
Viridrexus Virid reptile full atk 86% 16S
Wolhammer Wol beast round 64% 15Y

Earth mythics

Mythic name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Awaken Cost Y/S/N
Apollonis Apollo humanoid stan atk 40% Y 17S
Arachnadiva Arachna bug stan atk 39% Y 16S
Arachnodrake Arachno bug stan atk 52% S 17S
Bastia - humanoid full def 19% Y 16S
Kirina - humanoid stan atk 42% N 17Y
Kuromasa Kuro beast full atk 29% Y 16Y
Lime - humanoid stan def 27% Y 15Y
Medbie - humanoid full atk 30% Y 15N
Mistletorment Mistle dragon stan def 48% Y 16Y
Nagandia Nagan reptile full atk 60% Y 16Y
Na’turgoul Natu plant full atk 50% Y 15Y
Sakuralisk Sakura plant stan def 39% Y 17Y
Shi Na - humanoid full atk 21% S 16Y
Vespia Vesp humanoid stan def 30% S 17Y
Vixian Vixi humanoid full atk 53% Y 15Y


Note: There is one Pupupa standing in here for all six. It's not counted towards this total number of earth monsters since it is already counted by Marksmoth, but is listed as a "full defence", 0-30% and bug.
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Fire legendaries

Legendary name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Cost Y/S/N
Apollorexus Apollo dragon round 97% 14Y
Ashterios Ash beast round 41% 15Y
Astrogolem Astro rock full atk 91% 15S
Beetlebrute Beetle bug stan atk 62% 15S
Bovolcus Bovo rock round 94% 14Y
Burnsalot Burns robotic full atk 25% 15Y
Capybaragon Capy dragon round 82% 15S
Crimseias Crim bird stan atk 24% 15S
Deodragon Deo dragon round 99% 16Y
Dolphoenix fire Dolph bird stan atk 71% 14Y
Doomengine Doom robotic stan def 22% 15S
Flarevern fire AP dragon full atk 28% 16Y
Galliodragon (s) Shiny Gallio dragon stan def 96% 15S
G.F. Hibi Hibi humanoid full atk 39% 15Y
G.F. Rosa Rosa humanoid stan def 55% 15Y
Hellfox Hell / Fox demon stan atk 52% 16Y
Infernicorn Inferni rock full atk 63% 16Y
Jingledragon Jingle dragon round 52% 15Y
Kamishogun Kami humanoid full atk 63% 14Y
Kamiwyrm (s) Shiny Kami dragon full atk 93% 16Y
Kattmmander Katt beast stan atk 99% 14Y
Lavaronix Lava / fire TT bird stan def 32% 16S
Magmagund - rock stan def 44% 15Y
Magmarinus Magma rock stan atk 55% 16Y
Mantiferno Manti demon full atk 70% 16S
Mulasem Mula phantom round 34% 14Y
Poisomoth Fire Moth bug stan atk 40% 16-
Raidkong Kong beast full atk 80% 16N
Shivadragon Shiva dragon full atk 97% 16S
Solariel - angelic stan def 22% 15S
Solblaze - phantom full atk 35% 15S
Taloknight (s) Shiny Talo robotic round 97% 14Y
Tridrakhan Tridrak dragon stan atk 62% 15Y
Vulcaroth Vulca rock round 60% 16S
Whitetitan WTitan rock full atk 90% 16S

Fire mythics

Mythic name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Awaken Cost Y/S/N
Berry - humanoid stan def 71% Y 16Y
Botan-Douji Botan humanoid full atk 44% Y 16Y
Dragulus Dragu dragon full atk 75% S 16Y
Exocross Exo dragon full atk 37% Y 15Y
Fyrielle Fyr humanoid round 28% S 17S
Gorgodrake Gorgo demon full atk 65% S 15Y
Honghua Hong humanoid round 34% Y 15Y
Kunomi - humanoid full atk 36% Y 16Y
Mechydra Hydra robotic full def 41% Y 15Y
Novemdomina Novem humanoid round 61% Y 15Y
Onika - humanoid stan atk 46% Y 16Y
Orochi Oro humanoid stan def 32% Y 17Y
Satomi - humanoid round 59% Y 16Y
Sivanna Siva humanoid full atk 62% S 15Y
Y Ddraig Goch Ddraig dragon full def 37% Y 17Y


Note: Pitayagon and A.S. Poseidon are not included here since they are already included under earth and water.
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Holy legendaries

Legendary name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Cost Y/S/N
Aegisdragon Aegis dragon stan def 25% 15S
Airavalon Airava angelic stan def 74% 16Y
Angelion Angel angelic stan atk 51% 16S
Aurodragon Auro dragon round 39% 15N
Blitzdyr Blitz beast full atk 58% 15S
Celestrion holy shocker robotic full atk 68% 15S
Chronotitan - robotic full atk 77% 14Y
Dolphariel Holy Dolph angel full def 38% 16Y
Dusicyon Duscy angelic stan def 43% 16Y
Elemphox Holy Phox beast full def 53% 13S
G.F. Jasmine Jasmine humanoid full def 18% 15Y
G.F. Sakura - humanoid round 44% 15Y
Gloreonix Glory bird full atk 67% 15N
Grizzleguard Grizzle beast stan def 86% 14Y
Heavenswyrm Heavens dragon round 81% 16S
Jaguardian Jaguar angelic stan atk 65% 15Y
Jurlungur Jurlu reptile full atk 85% 14Y
Metatherion Meta robotic round 25% 14Y
Midasdragon Midas dragon full atk 51% 16S
Mistmoth Holy Moth bug round 56% 16-
Mojinator Moji robotic full def 29% 14Y
Moku - angelic round 24% 16Y
Nulltron Null robotic stan atk 81% 16S
Omegasdragon Omegas dragon full atk 38% 16Y
Prismaryx Prisma dragon stan atk 60% 15S
Prismpaw Rainbow bear beast round 50% 14Y
Regalion Regal dragon stan def 58% 15Y
Sanctallion Sancta angelic full atk 57% 14Y
Serapheon - angelic stan def 22% 15Y
Shadowhunter holy sleeper phantom full atk 28% 14Y
Shikabloom Shika beast full def 44% 15N
Sweetfeather Sweet bird round 39% 15Y
Tiamazus (s) Shiny Tia reptile full atk 38% 16S
Tinkerclaus Tinker robotic stan atk 39% 15S
Ultimadragon Ultima dragon round 36% 15S
Utopion Uto angelic full def 25% 16N
Valzareign Valza beast stan atk 46% 15S

Holy mythics

Mythic name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Awaken Cost Y/S/N
Aethereon Aeth angelic round 25% Y 17N
Bridalith Brida humanoid full def 32% N 17Y
Brynhildr Bryn humanoid stan def 31% Y 16Y
Chronozillion Zillion dragon full atk 39% Y 17N
Coretta - humanoid round 76% Y 16Y
Eirlys - humanoid full def 20% Y 17Y
Excaliburdragon Excalibur dragon round 79% Y 16S
F.D. Maeve Maeve humanoid round 63% Y 15Y
Gabrielle Gabri humanoid stan def 28% Y 17N
Goliatherion Goliath bug full def 31% Y 16Y
Iridescezarc Irides dragon stan def 19% Y 17N
Kanna - humanoid stan def 80% Y 16Y
Mai - humanoid round 88% Y 17Y
Mechangelion - robotic stan atk 42% Y 17N
Momo - humanoid full def 33% Y 17N
Prismegasus Pegasus angelic stan def 34% S 16S
Rhinedragon Rhine dragon stan atk 23% Y 17S
Tyrfina Tyr humanoid stan atk 89% Y 16Y
Voidress Void phantom stan def 56% Y 17Y
Zephyramus Ramus angelic round 66% Y 16S


Note: Elemphox is included both here and shadow because they are two distinct versions.

Shadow legendaries

Legendary name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Cost Y/S/N
Ankoudragon Ankou phantom full atk 47% 14Y
Atrahasis Atra phantom stan atk 42% 16Y
Aurodragon (s) Shiny Auro dragon full atk 39% 15Y
Azrazel Azra demon full atk 77% 16S
Banedragon Bane dragon full atk 34% 14Y
Baublebasher Bauble plant round 76% 15Y
Bunkerbeast (s) Shiny Bunker robotic stan atk 87% 15Y
Cyclophina Phina humanoid round 47% 15N
Deathgazer Gazer demon stan atk 37% 16Y
Delugazar Delu / BB demon stan atk 68% 16Y
Doomhoof Dhoof demon stan atk 79% 16Y
Doomoth Shadow Moth bug full def 21% 16-
Elemphox Shadow Phox phantom full atk 53% 13S
Galliodragon Gallio dragon stan atk 96% 15S
G.F. Gloria Gloria humanoid stan atk 53% 16S
G.F. Violet Violet humanoid stan atk 45% 15Y
Geartyrant Gear robotic round 35% 15Y
Geocosma Geoco phantom stan def 34% 15S
Heavenswyrm (s) S Heavens dragon round 71% 16S
Lavaronix (s) Shiny Lava bird stan def 32% 16S
Ldiefaeth Lifedeath dragon round 49% 16Y
Lunactia - bug full def 54% 16S
Maggatsuoh Maggat demon stan atk 35% 14Y
Nightlord - angelic full atk 68% 15S
Nightrider NRider demon full atk 82% 14Y
Novadrake Nova dragon stan atk 72% 15Y
Noxdragon Nox dragon stan atk 74% 14Y
Oakthulhu (s) Shiny Oak rock full atk 29% 16Y
Oniblade Oni phantom full atk 86% 16Y
Onigeist Oni phantom round 56% 16S
Pumpking Pump demon stan atk 58% 16S
Revenarchion Reven bird full atk 78% 16S
Rexotyrant Rexo reptile full atk 70% 15S
Rosegeist Rose plant stan atk 49% 16Y
Runedragon Rune dragon full atk 41% 16S
Sacrumega Sacru phantom full atk 25% 16Y
Shadowhunter (s) Shiny Hunter phantom full atk 28% 14Y
Shadowyrm shadow TK dragon full atk 93% 15Y
Skeleviathan Skele phantom full def 45% 16S
Skeleviathan (s) Skele (s) phantom full atk 90% 16N
Soulstealer Stealer phantom round 65% 14Y
Spectrophin Spectro phantom full atk 43% 16S
Stormloch (s) Shiny Loch aquatic full atk 28% 15Y
Taloknight Talo robotic round 97% 14Y
Tenebris Tene dragon full atk 61% 16Y
Terrordragon Terror dragon stan atk 39% 16S
Tortogeist Turtle / Torto phantom stan def 28% 16N
Utopion (s) Shiny Uto angelic stan def 25% 15S
Voodoom Voo demon full def 33% 15Y
Wraithhost - phantom round 59% 15Y
Zhulong Zhu dragon stan atk 67% 16Y

Shadow mythics

Mythic name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Awaken Cost Y/S/N
Akane - humanoid stan atk 66% S 16S
Asmodia Asmo humanoid stan atk 37% Y 16Y
Atlanachia Achia bug full atk 55% Y 16Y
Carmilla Carm humanoid stan atk 38% Y 17S
Deviladus Devil humanoid stan atk 36% Y 16Y
Focalforce Focal rock stan def 20% S 17Y
Giehretus Gieh demon round 31% Y 16Y
Gremoris Grem humanoid stan def 80% Y 17S
Hadeshoof Hades phantom full atk 31% Y 16Y
Harleking Harle humanoid round 58% Y 15Y
Lucifelle Luci humanoid stan atk 43% Y 16Y
Luna - humanoid full atk 36% Y 16N
Nightingale Nurse humanoid full def 22% S 16Y
Noircyon Noir demon round 32% Y 16Y
Nyx - humanoid stan atk 92% Y 16Y
Onyxia Onyx bug full def 67% Y 16Y
Persephia Perse humanoid round 57% Y 15Y
Scyberithe Scyber robotic full atk 75% Y 16Y
Soral, god bird Soral bird round 41% Y 17Y
Stellaurum Stella dragon full atk 67% S 17N
Uraniumedhus Uranium dragon stan atk 34% Y 17Y
Wilhelmina Wilhelm humanoid stan def 47% Y 17S


Note: Elemphox is included both here and holy because they are two distinct versions.

Storm legendaries

Legendary name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Cost Y/S/N
Albakhan Alba beast stan atk 59% 16Y
Bundam - robotic round 94% 15Y
Bunkerbeast Bunker robotic round 87% 16Y
Caesardragon Caesar dragon round 48% 16N
Centaureon Centaur beast stan atk 58% 15S
Chromera Chrome robotic stan atk 42% 16S
Cosmodragon Cosmo dragon full atk 32% 15S
Cybereon - robotic full atk 68% 14Y
Dolphoone Storm Dolph demon round 73% 16S
Doomgoo Goo demon full atk 66% 14Y
Drakozord Z Drako robotic stan def 82% 15S
Galvbishamon Galv beast full atk 89% 16S
G.F. Lily Lily humanoid stan def 57% 15Y
Goldtail Gold beast full atk 25% 16S
Gryphking Gryph bird stan def 76% 16Y
Leogeist Leo phantom round 99% 16S
Lunartic Luna phantom round 23% 15S
Malwing Mal bird full atk 44% 16Y
Motordragon Motor robotic full atk 50% 16Y
Nauticruiser Nauti robotic stan atk 91% 15Y
Padrinorca Orca aquatic full atk 73% 16Y
Raizen - humanoid round 66% 16Y
Razorstorm Razor robotic full atk 40% 16S
Rexterminator Rexter robotic stan def 79% 14Y
Sephileon Sephi angelic stan atk 39% 16S
Shurikaizer Shuri robotic stan atk 69% 14Y
Sir. Lancerat Lance beast stan atk 36% 14Y
Staticsphere Static beast stan def 48% 16Y
Stormoth Storm Moth bug full atk 61% 16-
Stratustrike Stratu bird stan atk 82% 15Y
St. Togala Toga / Koala angelic full def 71% 15Y
The Godfeather Godfeather bird full atk 55% 14Y
The Penguinator Peng robotic stan atk 35% 16S
The Saintfeather Saint bird stan atk 52% 16S
Trimaegus Trima beast stan atk 65% 16Y
Tygoron Tygo dragon stan atk 60% 16S
Vigziarid Vigzia reptile stan def 40% 15S
Xanacorn Xana phantom full atk 80% 16Y
Zephyrin Zephy phantom stan def 82% 15Y
Zeuswyrm Zeus dragon stan atk 99% 15S

Storm mythics

Mythic name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Awaken Cost Y/S/N
Auraleus Aura dragon round 84% Y 16Y
Ayna - humanoid full atk 86% N 16N
Cynthia - humanoid round 50% Y 17S
Cypridrus Cyprid dragon stan def 64% Y 16Y
Deus X Deus robotic round 36% Y 15Y
Don Rilla Rilla beast stan def 49% S 16S
Haneri - humanoid round 60% Y 16S
Hawknight Hawk bird stan atk 81% Y 17S
Hu Shin - humanoid full atk 64% Y 16Y
Lemon - humanoid stan def 26% Y 16S
Majorie Major humanoid full def 35% Y 16Y
Nikki - humanoid full atk 97% Y 16Y
Prixis Prix humanoid round 85% Y 16S
Rodeknight Rode beast stan def 40% Y 15Y
Sepheris Seph humanoid stan atk 40% Y 17S
Tenguko Teng humanoid stan atk 59% Y 16Y
XYZ-999L XYZ robotic stan atk 80% Y 16Y



Water legendaries

Legendary name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Cost Y/S/N
Arcticlaws Arcti beast stan atk 72% 14Y
A.S. Poseidon Poseidon aquatic full atk 33% 13S
Atlantyrant Atlan aquatic stan atk 47% 16S
Azuraidos Azura dragon stan atk 71% 15Y
Banedragon (s) Shiny Bane dragon full atk 34% 16S
Bartholosar Bartho aquatic full atk 74% 14Y
Bloomeluga Bloom aquatic stan def 70% 16Y
Celeshine - dragon stan atk 39% 14Y
Cephalogandr Cephalo aquatic full def 33% 16Y
Cetaskagon Cetas aquatic full def 45% 15Y
Cryokaizer Cryo bird full atk 57% 14Y
Cyclozar Cyclo aquatic full atk 86% 16S
Dolphreeze Ice Dolph aquatic round 68% 16S
Dreamoth Water Moth bug round 30% 16-
G.F. Mizu Mizu humanoid full def 40% 15Y
G.F. Pieris Pieris humanoid stan atk 52% 15Y
Glaciaron Glacia beast full atk 96% 15Y
Gyomurai Gyo aquatic stan atk 63% 15Y
Icefang Ice beast stan atk 51% 16S
Jawshank Shank aquatic stan atk 37% 14Y
Kaerukenshi Kaeru / frog aquatic stan atk 43% 16S
Kamiwyrm water TK dragon full atk 93% 14Y
Mechaviathan Mecha robotic stan def 32% 16N
Nebelronix Nebel bird full atk 32% 14N
Otomaid Oto aquatic stan def 66% 16Y
Polaboss Pola beast stan atk 83% 15N
Polareon - bird stan atk 37% 14Y
Razoray Razor robotic round 90% 16Y
Scolopendragon Scolo bug stan atk 55% 15Y
Sobeking Sobek reptile round 83% 15S
Stormloch Loch aquatic full atk 28% 14Y
Sturgeonidas Sturgeon aquatic full def 53% 15Y
Tagosenshi Tago aquatic round 38% 15S
Tardigrenade Tardi robotic stan def 44% 14Y
Torazou Tora beast round 54% 16Y
Triviathan Trivia aquatic stan atk 67% 16S
Warca - robotic round 52% 14Y
Wolfenrir Fenrir beast full atk 83% 16S
Wraithcaptain - phantom full atk 38% 16S
Ziberius Zib dragon round 81% 16S

Water mythics

Mythic name Nickname Type Stat arrangement Speed Awaken Cost Y/S/N
Ankara - beast round 65% Y 15Y
Aoi - humanoid full atk 24% Y 16S
Azida - humanoid full atk 87% Y 16Y
Charybdia chary humanoid full def 61% Y 16S
Christine - humanoid stan atk 75% S 16Y
Fiona - humanoid full def 90% Y 16Y
Hazuki Hazu humanoid full def 77% Y 16Y
Huskegon Husk beast full atk 72% Y 16Y
Kuraokami Kurao dragon stan def 74% Y 17S
Leira - humanoid stan def 18% N 16Y
Lilithia Lili humanoid full def 45% Y 16Y
Ophidiator Ophi reptile round 35% Y 16Y
Plumesilisk Plume bird stan def 34% S 17S
Suikenshi Sui reptile stan atk 67% Y 16N
Unicera Uni humanoid full def 99% Y 15Y
Vixenblade Vixen beast stan def 81% S 16Y
Yukihime Yuki humanoid stan def 43% Y 16Y



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