👑 Grand Champion Hall of Fame: Post Your Journey! 👑

How can you call yourself the greatest if you don’t know how other people are performing :stuck_out_tongue:

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When your at the pinnacle of the mountain do you look down ?


Is your pinnacle at half of the points to the top spot?


what makes someone the greatest player is running bloom AP spam 7 years ago, no other achivment can even compare to running that


What makes michael jordan the best winning with the Chicago bulls?

The GOAT did it back to back longest streak and without a single mythic no one can even come close

Doing something without a mythic when mythics dident exsist is not the same lol

Get your streak going in todays age of the game and maybe people will take your achivments seriously but as ut stands now you look like nothing more than a fraud living the past


Alright, let’s get back on topic now. This thread is for posting grand champion screenshots. Best of luck to people with the rest of the season!

then it’s time to retire on time
you must make way for the new generations

This implies that he’s in the way…

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I did it when mythics where around and when they were not around :joy::joy::joy:

Thats why i took years for a break and am playing more casual and taking the game less seriously, specially i no longer see the competitiveness anymore, every month is about who grabs the new op things released in that month and mythic spam with restriction to limit players with limited monsters further

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In order not to take the game seriously, you are one of the players who plays the most games in pvp, that’s how we saw it all when the classification was filtered by error of the pvp rule :thinking::thinking:
So we can say that Mr Goat is not in the top 1 because he doesn’t want to, right?

Huh, you could ask how many games i played i would have shared it with you, like i said i do it casually, some days i might play couple of games to get the rewards specially when i plan on hatching but others i might not even play a single game.

Since i came back i made it clear with how the pvp system is designed am not bothered going for rank 1, am not going to stay awake 3am to play the tickets for 3 days straight, nor i have any motivation to go for rank 1 anymore the rewards are extremely bad for the grind

Lol. Say anything mr.x is PvP greatest player.
Goat during game was new
Herioc comeback in 2024
Ign itself is GOAT(No doubt)
Bad things:
Want to make mons PvP killing machine
Want to make owned monster PvP killing machine
For him domgo is better than vixenblade
Some good qualities:
Stand for poor people always asking compensation
Do great analysis of mons to certain degree( according to meta)
Hence, mrx is not a myth but a story about a legend player 7 yrs back, who is climbing slowly to top of PvP ladder! Would he be successful with nyx team supported by tengoku and link shadow?

In fact once you complete top 50x 10, 20, 30; top 1, 10, 25, 50 and 100 and top 10x 5 there is no longer any great interest in continuing to play the game . There is no objective anymore and the game just repeats itself over and over again.

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I can show you the door too lol :stuck_out_tongue:

No thanks, no need, I know the way. I will gladly take it at the end of 2025 like many people since I don’t have much left to do anyway.



There’s also another guy who this applies to. Wonder who that is :thinking:

Edit. Coltraz, it’s not you lol