Forum suggestion. Dislike button?

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD is that a possibility for the forum? A lot of forums and sites have upvote and downvote buttons. Can we get that here?

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If you have nothing nice to say why say anything at all?


See? A perfect use for the downvote. And it wasn’t even mean. Just a quick expression of disagreement.

On nerf/buff threads it would be a great way to quickly quantify community consensus.

I think in general forums are turning away from this, especially ones which are meant for discussion like gaming forums. Also, this forum is a standardised platform offered by Discourse. I think these kinds of suggestions need to go to them, unless the customisation is possible here for the Devs.

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Gotcha. Thanks, then! That makes sense.


I’m against the idea. The whole vibe becomes negative and un-inviting with downvotes.

Yeah. Makes sense on a forum for IT support where people offer suggestions and people need to know if it was bad, but not here where people discuss opinionated stuff about a game. Much better to have a positive vibe here

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That was meant to be rhetorical.