Balancion's trials

Anybody here knows what the skills of the monsters in balancion’s trials are?

I want to know which is the better pick for my team. Nov 6 2018.

Pick the left one he is one of the best ever SE releases
I dont remenber is name😅

Thanks fam. I just so hope this super epic really deserved the stage :slight_smile:

It’s called Captainwhiskers and boy oh boy he is good. Upon he was released he was better than some legendaries and after he was slightly nerfed he still is super good.

I agree on the others. The right one captain canine is pretty bad for a SE. I have never seen in any line-up tbh xD

Whiskers is a 10 cost legendary.

Canine is a 10 cost 2-star.

Choose accordingly.

I used him a little bit for repent to support my Shiva. It was hit or miss. He would be amazing for this if he just had hold ground.

That’s why i choose canine


Tier list…
Captainwhiskers: S+ general, S+ PvP
Captain canine: C general, C PvP

S+ is top rank, C is second worst out of 9. I think that says it pretty clearly lol.

Whiskers is god tier… it will carry you through loads of events if you create a nice team around it!