Astrajlyth (Poll and discussion)

The monster is so cool in artwork. I really havent been that into this game in a while.

I tried this monster and its completely busted, his last revive comes at 100 speed and has slayerbane all without needing the 100 sec restriction. This is ridiculous probably the most overpowered monster released up to date

The tempo gain from killing him 4 times is ridiculous, he makes soo many games look easy

S+ for sure


Tell us you haven’t read the thread without telling us you haven’t read the thread

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You say it’s broken, but you don’t have it, nor have you used it. You lied when you said you had it. If you have it and it’s so broken, why don’t you use it?

It’s a clear attempt to boycott a classic just because you don’t have it.

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He loves to exaggerate things as well as his claims about pitying multiple times on every new release. While also not spending lmao.


My friend i used it many times, plus copied it many times, i just dont run poison since and am testing the box girl potential with entrance monsters

Where is this pandora ranked for pve and PvP to you?

Probably in F tier for pvp its a gimmick monster and cost way too high 18 cost, but who knows what her buffs might be in the next update

You also have to keep in mind when she dies she summons three boxes next in line with only one giving her the option to resummon. Knowing this fact your opponent doesn’t need to focus on the boxes in the field as she will not be in one of them and will be next in line

A nice idea would be that she can re-pop out of any box this way all the boxes become threat, but you can only have one pandora at a time

As for pve its slightly better by not much honestly there are way cheaper death revenge guys out there that can duplicate themselves and do a better job then her, so i would say probably C tier if i was gonna take into consideration the legendaries in the same pool and the cost of gems and cost of running her


I think sheat least be at level A, and if the planner polishes she, she will simply be ranked at level S easy

If your imagination is not strong enough, you will easily rank him at a very low PVP level, but if you carefully study his skills, it is obvious that he is at least at level A

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You have to take the cost into consideration, she is 17 cost and require an additional 1 cost for the big box, which makes her a 18 cost unit

The monsters you want to pair her with is entrance monsters to pull them back with the 1tu move and bring a box, you can only do this once or twice per game if you run the smaller box too

Shield entrance knock back 100seconds girl is the best for this, followed by stun, sleep. Spamming aoe and piercing to lower the health of the opponent and bring nightgale is not too bad too but not strong as you would expect

Nothing really creative tbh

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Friend, you said in previous posts that you had it… I don’t understand why you lie, we all know that if you had that monster on your team, you wouldn’t write these posts.


Get him :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

My friend you don’t know me, i always prioritize the game balance and i have always been vocal when something is overpowered regardless if i own it or not

I have always pushed for competitiveness and making the game more affordable and more friendly towards F2P and low spenders

I am the only one here who asked for a compensation system !!! Who do you think the compensation benefits the most spenders

You have to be blind not to see how this monster is not ridiculous and is ruining gaming experience, i see no reason to defend it other than i own the monster and dont want it to be touched

I’m not defending anything, I just don’t see you criticizing Tenguku, for example (and she’s at a higher level than this monster, and there’s no problem with that). Why? Because you use her. However, you criticize this monster without even using or having it. Sorry, but in this case, your opinion means nothing to me.

What is soo strong about Tengoku that causing you soo much issues that you want to nerf

Is it the stun effect ?

There are many stunners in legendary pool and as for mythic husky and haneri are top choices

Is it the copy effect ?

Its her main design to copy one monster and go to the last in line, in majority of games this skill will not be used more than once or twice at best

Her repulse skill is not used ever and her removal is situational and her SS is turned off since it does nothing to her design

I don’t think it’s necessary to nerf Tengoku, what I’m telling you is that for me it’s stronger than Astragaligt, and you know that, the difference is that you have Tengoku and not Astrajalit, hence your different opinions.

Please don’t make me talk anymore because your message is disgusting, saying that Tengoku “does nothing more than copying” as if that weren’t enough, you write just for interest, you try to nerf the mythical ones that you don’t have and jeer at the ones you have, for me you have 0 credibility

It is not necessary to talk more about the topic

Looking at 2 crybaby opposing you, you are going in right track

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Jellyfish dragons are definitely broken, of course, it’s just the current environment. I think if there are a large number of sealed monsters appearing in the future, he won’t be a big problem

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Is Astrajlyth immune to Death Sentence?