All legends should have 2 passive skills

I know the old legends are not profitable for manufacturers and are rarely used in events pvp and pve. But to be fair between new legends, there are always 2 skill passes, the old legends should also have 2 skill passes

If you think Goldtail should have 2 passives let alone 1 you are on some drugs.


Not only Godtail

It needs roaring entrance


Goldtail ought to remain a 1 move wonder.

Goldtail should have the same passive as Ankoudragon @VNchaohunter


The thing is that the monsters without passive are already top tier monsters, the issue would be what do you give them without making them ridiculous.

Goldtail needs stun counter and auto purify when it gets poisoned

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No offense but this is a dumb idea, although I have been playing this game for couple of months

I like your opinion and I’ve played since the game launched.

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goldtail and shadowhunter are my 2 sleep legends and they both have really helped me through offline story, addition of 2 passives might break the whole balance I think

Give wraithcaptian tranquilising entrance on top of that dreamy entrance


This is a great idea. I mean you can always just knockback next. Perfectly balanced.

Going off of that suggestion let’s give Goldtail both Tranquilizing and Champion enterance. That way it can get roaring, shocking, and dreamy all in one. If we want to get really crazy let’s just pack both those passives together on it, call it Supernova Entrance. Then it’s second passive can be Dream World.

Seriously why are you giving the devs ideas? They will do this eventually…

Passive Ideas

Deez Nutz Entrance

When the monster enters the field, it sleeps one opponent’s monster, poisons a different opponent’s monster, stuns a different opponents monster to 300, and kills the 4th opponent’s monster.



Id spend for that

We need bill Cosby enterance. Poisons and sleeps a monster on entry. He also has roaring entry and dreamhunt for maximum memeage

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Tasteless @Woodward

Idk what’s worse, Oniblade’s double one-on-one or your sense of humor