8th Anniversary🎉

If these monsters were removed then how can we get them :pensive:

Its removed from rare gold egg… i think they should still be on the special egg pool

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They are either in the special egg pool or they will become shop monsters.

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Nooooo we cant remove polaboss he has given me like 26 legendery tickets so far😭


If they add as shop monster then many will easily get Aurodragon :heart_eyes:

I do love polaboss. He is quite powerful once crescendo is charged

I guess its a good heads up to pot them all now while we can still use SE pots on them… because once they add the legend forms it’ll be impossible. (unless you’ve got like 30 spare legend pots with nowhere else to use them)

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Right now I’ve got ~280 gems, and assuming I collect everything from the 8th anniversary it’ll be 200 more, bringing me up to 480.
SO… do I sit out the entire event and save up to reach the 500 gem mark (to be able to truly milk the “shrine of fortune” event every month), OR do I say ■■■■ it and pick up like 5 packs for each of the two special egg pools?

Truly a Sophie’s choice for the ages, I dunno if anyone has any advice here

its honestly exstremly easy

you skip anni get 500 gems milk shrine and go for these mythics some other time if either catches your eye

you will get far more out of shrine gems than 500 gems on either banner


It was 24 hours. They sneakily reduced it at some point, maybe even first to 12 hours then to 6.

It’s much better when everyone has good access to them. I mean even Bastia is in there! Besides, we’ll now have 32 mythics in the standard pool so the chance to get any one of them four times is ridiculously small. The only real difference it being in the standard pool is people can hatch for it every few weeks rather than every few months.

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I feel like I already knew this was the right answer… but missing out on some new legends will make me sad lol.

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200 gems lesgoooooooooo


i mean you get 200 gems 8 legendery tickets 1 free mythic and something random like mojiness for free skipping 2 legenderies for about 2 months time and picking them up around christmas insted is not the biggest loss in the world

Go get yourself galvbane is coming back lesgoooo

Yes thats very true, the extra ticket legend(s), free mythic, and 4 new free legends (the starters) will surely reduce that particular sting. I keep telling myself I should save up, but I accumulate maybe 40 or 50 gems per month… and waiting like 8 to 10 months never felt like a worthwhile payoff. But we really havent had any good festival eggs in a while, and now suddenly it seems tenable.

I am legit looking forward to getting ~200 gems every single time they roll out the fortune shrine. That particular mini-event does at least a LITTLE bit to level the field between the f2p people and the p2w people.

Bastia is rarely seen because you have to run bulky myths with no entrances around her. I guess you are good with match being decided on whose Asmodia Gazer comes first. And it’s more about her being in the shop now for others to buy and awaken any time they collect tickets.

Stay strong my man! And remember the balance between f2p and p2w is the shrine as it lets even the f2p have a. Easier time of awakening mythics eventully!

You can do it!


Ho man i can feel your pain cus im at 330gems atm and idk what to do about anniversary festival
Keep gems and try my luck on shrine or go like a madman all roll at anniversary :rofl::sweat_smile:

I don’t think soo im almost sure they will loose the +9 , but if you have super epic potion do it you wont loose anything

Somewhat, but also because awakened Bastia is much stronger (the only point to run 2nd form in PvP is after a stun lock to stop the opponent’s comeback). I think it would be similar with Asmodia because her 2nd form is not worth it.

You think people are getting 12x 7* tickets to afford to awaken a mythic? The only people getting that many are the people either spending enough that awakening Asmodia has never been an issue or they’ve got a big enough collection that getting another awakened mythic isn’t a big deal. Honestly, I don’t think it being standard pool is going to make any difference at all with who’s awakening this mythic besides it being possible to hatch for every 16 days.