2nd attempt at game. Help with build order needed.

Hey all,

Thanks for reading.
So as title says this is my second time around at game. As a huge fan of hunter island I was there on release day downloading Neomonsters and rapidly flying up the ranks grabbing every monster I could on route. Then my phone went in for a screen change. It shouldn’t have wiped my phone but it did. I was so annoyed at myself for not taking down my code before hand that I kind of gave up playing. Fast forward a year and I decided to take another shot and maintain playing fully without a single purchase. Got myself a fairly decent team of monsters. But I am struggling to un-lock their potential as a collective. First time around I had a deck that lent it’s self to speed, stunning and time strikes. This is a much more divers team.

Any suggestions really welcome. Not to proud to say I need a hand getting myself to that next level


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Well at least most of the legends are evolved

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Any suggestions or wisdom?

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Join Line. Then join the Lounge. Then ask for help there where its easier to interract.

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Sorry feeling thick. What’s line?

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Its like whatsapp. SmartSelect_20181028-142614_Samsung%20Experience%20Home

I downloaded line, I am confused on what to do now.

Add me ID:porterenjiin I Will add you to the group